Ministero dei Beni delle Attivitą Culturali e del Turismo Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti(Alessandria d'Egitto, 1876 - Bellagio, 1944)

Marinetti performs most of his studies in Paris and he assert his success first as a poet in French (The Conquest des étoiles, 1902; Destruction, 1904; La ville charnelle, 1908). In 1905, in Milan, he founded the magazine "Poesia", still influenced by a Symbolist and Art Nouveau taste, which housed many trendy poets both Italian and French. In 1909, with a "manifesto" appeared on the "Figaro" in Paris, he founded the Futurist movement; in 1910 he publishes, in French and Italian, the novel Mafarka il futurista, which raises sensational controversy, and already shows the poetry of "free speech", which pursues the immediacy and dynamism of expression. The following work of Marinetti, in prose or verse, despite certain lyrical impulses (cfr. Zang Tumb Tumb, 1914; L'alcova d'acciaio, 1921; Novelle colle labbra tinte, 1930; Spagna veloce e toro futurista, 1931; L'Aeropoema del Golfo della Spezia, 1935), is rather oratorical and political-literary. Therefore his most important works are the manifestos of the first period, some of which (such as the ones on variety theatre, the synthetic theater, etc.) full of ideas, suggestions and anticipations.
Interventionist (Guerra sola igiene del mondo, 1915), and veteran of the first world war, Marinetti is next to Mussolini from the origins of fascism to the Republic of Salò, enhancing its military ventures. It is part of the Academy of Italy.

History of the Marinetti Stock