Ministero dei Beni delle Attivitą Culturali e del Turismo Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali

Angela Castellani Morani

Angela (Lina) Castellani Morani(Pavia, 1897 - 2000)

Born in Pavia March 9, 1897, as very young collaborates with “Giovane Italia”, the student newspaper of the Association of Pavia inspired by interventionism.
Atfer earning a university diploma for the French language, she won the chair and taught for forty years in schools revving her pupils with recitations of poetry and language theater.

In 1933 she was granted with a transfer to Milan and married Dario Morani, known as a young girl, whom she dedicates a song book of short poems in Italian.
Between 1938 and 1951 she published four collections of poems written in french. The birth of her niece Luisa opens a new creative phase dedicated to childhood: she publishes eight volumes of nursery rhymes, fables and stories so popular that some are taken in anthologies.

With the return to Pavia in the early seventies she focuses her activities to new areas and historical biographical publishing the biography of the little deaf-mute-blind american Hellen Keller and then the Ancella of Boethius, inspired by the presence of the remains of the saint philosopher in the Basilica of San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro near her home.
After the death of her husband Dario, in 1980, she brings together the documentation to draft a chronicle of his biography of anti-fascist activist, entrepreneur and poet, published in 1982.

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