Ministero dei Beni delle Attivitą Culturali e del Turismo Direzione Generale Biblioteche e Istituti Culturali

Pier Vittorio Aldini

Pier Vittorio Aldini(Cesena, 1773 - Pavia, 1842)

Descendant of an illustrious family of scholars from Cesena, professor of Archeology, Numismatics and Diplomatic from 1819 to1842 and rector of the University of Pavia in 1836-37, Aldini had collected, with a significant capital spending, numerous manuscripts with the intent to protect them from the risk, more than concrete, of  escaping across the Alps.

The not so  brilliant economic condition of university professor led him to finally leave his precious collection: instead of discarding it piecemeal he preferred give it to the Library of the University where he served as professor and rector.

The negotiations, managed by the Director Luigi Lanfranchi, was long and hard, and successfully completed only in 1841.

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spunta_ rossaFind Manuscripts by Pier Vittorio Aldini in Inventario dei manoscritti Ticinesi